Monthly Archives: March 2011

15 Weeks, 5 Days

My mom, Selina, and I for many years have been wanting to start a food business together.  However, living on different coast put a damper in that goal.  Now, we’re backyard neighbors and are very excited about our future. 

We’re starting a bakery!  Little Sister’s Bakery.

We’re going to start out small while I still have kids at home and grow from there.  This summer we’re going to start at Farmer’s Markets.  Our nitch in the industry is that all our baked goods will use a fruit, vegetable or both. 

To get to the Farmer’s Market this summer we have so many things to do, I’ll name just a few:

1. Get our gardens going (that’s where our fruits and veggies are coming from.)

2. Get our recipies together.

3.  We need to get our Home Cottage License.  This allows us to work from our own kitchens.

4.  We need to get a Food Handler’s License.

5.  Register to participate in the Farmer’s Market.

6.  Sumbit said recipes for approval. 

7.  Create a business (all that good legal stuff.) 

The Bountiful Farmer’s Market starts June 23rd.  That’s our Day.  That means from today we have fifteen weeks and five days.  But who’s counting.  We hope that you’ll go along the journey with us, encourage us, hold us accountable and make sure we stay on task.  And anyone local, if any of our recipes sounds good, let us know we’ll send some samples your way.


Posted by on March 5, 2011 in Uncategorized